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Jack Grapes' Method Writing focuses on writing from one’s inner voice and developing a style based on its rhythms and tonal dynamics. It is a unique approach to the creative process, based on conceptual techniques drawn from various disciplines: Constantin Stanislavski’s “Method” approach to acting; Viola Spolin’s use of theatre games in improvisational theater; and fundamentals inherent in the mastery of athletic skills. The emphasis in Jack Grapes' Method Writing is not on structure, but on the organic impulse and the deep voice within each piece of writing.

Co-taught four times a year with Jack Grapes, Josh Grapes, and Kevin Jacobsen. For further information and class dates, visit or contact

Jack Grapes Interviews:


- Film Courage, "Method Writing: The First Four Concepts"

Extensive overview of Method Writing.

[Full Interview: 3 1/2 hours. Topics also listed by time code on Film Courage site.]   



- SF Creative Writing Institute, "Exit Music & the Art of Writing"

Jack Grapes' artistic journey, the meaning behind his book, Exit Music (a hybrid of poetry, paintings, and lyric essays), and advice to young writers. 

[Full Interview: 2 hours.]                                 




The Method Writing technique is so unique and powerful. Wow! I can’t help using exclamation points!! I was terrified of taking this class, thinking it would be too exposing, But, I found that it was such a safe and nurturing environment—thanks to Jack, Lisa, and Josh! –Laura Lipson

I so appreciate the permission you all gave me to find my voice and start seeing myself as a writer. You have been a great source of inspiration and support. Every Tuesday I looked forward to the friendly faces and to being entertained, embraced, and taught by everyone’s amazing journals. What a magical journey it has been! I'm so very grateful to have crossed paths with everyone in the class and know that there's a tribe where I belong. A sincere and humble thanks to Jack, Josh, and Lisa. You made it all happen. I bow to you. –Olga Albuerne

I so enjoyed this class and you, Josh, and Adrian as our guides through this process. It was also nice to get to experience the work of so many wonderful writers each week. I look forward to many more classes with all of you. I’m so happy I got to spend a few weeks being inspired by you and your work. –Ligiah Villalobos

© 2022 Lisa R. Segal

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